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NEW 2019 Biosignature Ring in 925 Silver with 5G Protection

NEW 2019 Biosignature Ring in 925 Silver with 5G Protection


BioSignatures, a special branch of BioGeometry, are precisely constructed linear diagrams that have the same geometric resonant configurations as specific vital energy patterns within the organs in the body. They are similar to the Chinese peripheral energy meridians, but are related to the energy flow within the organs, which play a major role in “forming” the organs’ functions. The BioSignature products, contain a wide range of BioSignatures in special configurations that when worn close to the body become activated by the body’s peripheral energy being channeled through them (in a manner similar to electricity activating the circuits on a computer chip). The activated BioSignatures then resonate (like musical notes vibrating in resonance) with the corresponding energy patterns in the organs of the body; causing a harmonic amplification that clears subtle energy blockages and restores proper flow and qualitative balance within the functions of the corresponding body organs.

Note: BioGeometry Clearing Tray Included

Small - Size 7.5-8.5 (can be opened to become larger)
Medium - Size 9.5 (can be opened to become larger)
Large - Size 11 (adjustable to 11.5-12)


Ring width: 1cm 

Biosignature Ring in 925 Silver with 5G Protection (Single Size with "Open Mouth" Design) 

Like Biosignature Pendant with Biosignatures

Biosignature 生物幾何學的生物圖像介指就如生物圖案吊牌一樣,有多個生物圖案,加上對5G的平衡功效,減少身體對電磁波的不適反應。

**Biosignature 生物幾何學圖像介指附送能量淨化盤一個**



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