Energy Balancing Charging Tray (Plastic-White)
The BioGeometry Energy Balancing Charging Tray is designed with specific angular relationships and geometrical ratios to produce an energy-balancing field in the central area inside the shape. The tray charges objects placed on it, such as food, water, and medicine, with a natural energy-quality balancing effect that balance biological subtle-energy functions. In turn, this effect is introduced into the body’s energy system through the charged object. The charged object is then more compatible to the body’s subtle-energy functions.
只要將物件放置中間,便可注入BG3能量 可放置飲品:如咖啡/茶,飲用前放於牒盤上約1分鐘便可 **最佳效果,物件於離開牒盤後,於短時間享用**