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BioSignautre Pendant in 925 Silver with 5G Protection

BioSignautre Pendant in 925 Silver with 5G Protection


BioSignatures, a special branch of BioGeometry, are precisely constructed linear diagrams that have the same geometric resonant configurations as specific vital energy patterns within the organs in the body. They are similar to the Chinese peripheral energy meridians, but are related to the energy flow within the organs, which play a major role in “forming” the organs’ functions. The BioSignature products, contain a wide range of BioSignatures in special configurations that when worn close to the body become activated by the body’s peripheral energy being channeled through them (in a manner similar to electricity activating the circuits on a computer chip). The activated BioSignatures then resonate (like musical notes vibrating in resonance) with the corresponding energy patterns in the organs of the body; causing a harmonic amplification that clears subtle energy blockages and restores proper flow and qualitative balance within the functions of the corresponding body organs.While the pendant offers significant EMF protection, It is recommended to wear an L90 pendant alongside the general BioSignatures for added protection. The L is notable for not impregnating and will not need clearing.


The pendant has a diameter of around 3.7 cm

*BioGeometry clearing tray included
*Chain not included
*Darkness of pendant may vary

*Discoloration naturally occurs with this pendant, we recommend cleaning with baking soda and water

BioSignautre Pendant in Silver 925 Ver. 2019 with 5G Protection

( BioSignautre Symbols embedded into the Pendant, resonnace with the organs, Plus 5G protection)   

生物圖像吊牌 - 925 銀

(BG 吊牌內包括多個生物圖像,微妙的BG3震頻與體內的器官共鳴,漸漸改善身體健康狀況)


生物圖像吊牌 - 925 銀與生物圖像吊牌 -黃銅,功能是一樣,可按個人喜好,選購不同物料


  • 產品注意事項


  • 使用說明

    每天將BG Pendant 放在附送的淨化碟上5分鐘,取出配戴,便能發揮最大效能。***BG Pendant淨化後,必須取出淨化碟上,才能發揮作用,但不會因長時間放在淨化碟上,而消失效用,從淨化碟取出後,便能正常運作***

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